5 of the Best Seattle Coffee Shops to Visit

There’s no doubt about it, Seattle is the coffee capital of the United States. Seattle is the coffee Mecca. Every year thousands of people pilgrimage there to get the perfect cup of coffee.
If you’re prepping for your own coffee pilgrimage then you want to make sure you get it right. With cafes on nearly every corner, it can be overwhelming. How do you choose the right ones? How do you make sure that you get the best Seattle coffee that the city has to offer?
5 of Seattle’s Best Coffee Shops
First, you can take heart in the knowledge that you’re probably not going to end up with a bad cup of coffee while in Seattle. Instead of looking for perfection as you travel through Seattle’s wondrous coffee houses, try looking for variety. With so much competition the only way that the best coffee shops survive is on their creativity, their uniqueness, and their special atmosphere. Here are the 5 best coffee shops in Seattle that are able to stand out from the crowd.
1. Seattle Coffee Works
Seattle Coffee Works has 4 café locations, each in distinct neighborhoods of Seattle. They source their coffee from environmentally and socially responsible coffee growers, and they take their mission as coffee ambassadors quite seriously. Employees at Seattle Coffee Works have to undergo a 9-month training program where they learn absolutely everything there is to know about how coffee is grown, roasted, and served.
They offer their customers their knowledge through coffee tastings, brewing guide, and sheer enthusiasm. If you stop by one of their locations your sure to get a little education, a little appreciation, and a true Seattle coffee experience.
2. Dubsea Coffee
To get the best coffee in downtown Seattle you simply can’t miss Dubsea. The windows of the café are wide and welcoming, the space is full of light and seating, and the message is that everyone belongs. This warm and fuzzy feeling is further impressed upon customers with their extensive drink menu including coffee by Counter Culture and everything from Italian sodas to blended drinks.
Their pastry case is also jam packed with local favorites, and gluten free and vegan options abound. If you make a visit to Dubsea café you may never want to leave, and they would probably be okay with that.
3. Caffe Umbria
The owner of Caffee Umbria is a third generation coffee roaster from Italy, so you know the coffee is going to be excellent, and each of their locations has a distinct European feel. Well, European blended with Seattle in a wonderful mix of Old and New World charm.
You can try one of their many coffee roasts, enjoy expertly pulled espresso shots like the way real Italians drink them, and then round things off with a Panini or a cup of gelato.
4. Mr. West Café Bar
To get a real handle on the kind of coffee innovations going on in Seattle, you’ve got to take a trip to Mr. West Café Bar where you’ll see the perfect marriage of spirits and beans. A visit to Mr. West Café Bar will make you feel like you’re automatically a little cooler. The expertly cultivated mid century design will rub off on you, and you might leave wanted with an urge to buy an expensive piece of art.
It could be because the atmosphere is so inspiring, or it could be because the menu is overflowing with a great mix of alcohol, coffee, and food. You can choose a flight of wine, or an earl gray tea latte depending on how the mood strikes you. The food is fabulous, the croissants are flaky and golden brown, and if you’re still into avocado toast, they’ve got some you have to try.
5. Caffe Vita
With so many quirky and exciting spots around Seattle, you just might have to visit every Caffe Vita location to experience their unique atmosphere and their wonderful coffee.
They pride themselves on their relationships with the farmers who grow their coffee as well as the fact that they roast it on-site. Their customers can be a part of the coffee making experience, and it’s well worth a visit for that. They offer complimentary classes for brewing the perfect cup of coffee at home, and they sell everything you need to enjoy coffee anywhere, anytime. In fact, you can buy their delicious cold brew by the growler.
An Endless Coffee Pilgrimage
The Seattle coffee scene is practically limitless. There is no shortage of good places to find delicious and innovative coffee that is brewed with a mission. With so many places to choose from you might have to make an effort to visit every single one, but you’ll at least have a pretty good place to start from.
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